
Monday, February 1, 2010

260 Inmates released in San Diego - per Federal Court Order

California is under a federal court order to cut the number of inmates by 40,000 — from about 168,000 now — over several years to ease overcrowding and improve health care in the state’s 33 prisons.

The new Law took effect in January and had an immediate effect in San Diego County, where about 260 nonviolent offenders were released.

Statewide, corrections officials launched their plan to reduce the prison population by 6,500 inmates (this year's plan) and save the state more than $100 million over the next year. They said some of the revamped program’s elements will cut down on recidivism and allow parole agents to focus attention on more dangerous former convicts.

This is GREAT news..... EXCEPT that the LIFER inmate population will not be affected by this reduction. In addition, Non-Lifer Inmates jailed for serious or violent crimes, including burglaries, robberies and sexual assault will also be disqualified for release.

see Full news story

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