
Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Lifer PAROLE PACKET Preparation for all BPH Parole Hearings (& Youth SB261 or Elderly)

This BLOG (an unusual posting) contains a quick summary of  our NEW Parole Packet that was compiled by Attorney  Diane T. Letarte (619-233-3688 or 888-200-8385) and used with her clients (for many years) at the Parole Suitability Hearings. Many phone calls have come in to our office inquiring about the Parole Packet that we use. We finally can offer this Parole Packet for $59 and downloadable Immediately from Attorney Letarte's Website under Legal Services search for Lifer Parole Packet immediate download. The packet contains over 10 different SAMPLE support letters, including a Sample for Youth Offender Parole Hearing (YOPH)

NOTE: Part of the Proceeds ($) from the sales of the Parole Packet are DONATED to The Francisco Homes: a transitional housing for Lifers, which in turn will help other Lifers. Francisco Homes can be reached at or by Phone at (323) 293-1111.


Attorney Letarte accumulated her experience (15+ years) by doing well over 1000+ Parole Hearings in front of many different Governor Appointed Commissioners. This Parole Packet contains several sample Support Letters, among other Resources such as Transitional Home Contacts. In addition, it offers a Table of Contents (TOC) presentation format, that the inmate can use at their Parole Hearing. The Format should streamline the Post-Conviction factors presented to the Commissioners including self-help classes, Education,  programming, Apology Letters, Relapse Prevention Plan, among others. All the achievements earned can be presented in an abbreviated format to fit in the 2 - 3 hour Parole Suitability Hearing.

The Relapse Prevention Plans (RPP) SAMPLES allow a framework for 1) substance abuse avoidance as well as 2) criminal conduct avoidance,  whichever bad behavior that needs to be identified via triggers (red flag, warning signs) before it re-occurs. The RPP should provide an action plan the inmate is ready to execute by using the Law of Replacement principles to avoid the need for illegal substance usage or criminal behavior.

The Parole Packet  can also be "snail" mail to the inmate because the TOC (blank forms) can be filled out by hand (yep! the old fashion way.) If you only want the sample letters portion of the Packet, then see Product ($9.99) entitled "SAMPLE LETTERs"  or search the Key word SAMPLE  in our RenegadeAttorney,com website.

Sometimes a GOOD PRESENTATION and great Support Letters (at a Parole Hearing) makes a difference between a Grant of Parole and a 3-year Denial.  The Packet makes a Positive Statement about the inmates Readiness to re-integrate in the Free Community.