
Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Attorney Letarte Invited to speak to Lifers at CSP-SAC

 Attorney Diane T. Letarte invited to speak Saturday June 4, 2016 to Lifer group at California State Prison,   Sacramento (CSP-SAC) a.k.a. New Folsom in Represa, CA.

NOTE:** If your Loved one is incarcerated at CSP-SAC, make sure they ask their Correctional Counselor (CO) to give them a DUCAT to attend the Free 6/4/2016 seminar on how to prepare for their Parole Suitability Hearing. If they are not housed at CSP-SAC, you may consider buying them the Parole Packet  (and mailing it to them) to assist them in preparing for the parole hearing - on their own.  

The Law Office of Diane T. Letarte is a community based law firm located in San Diego, California. The law office serves the 35 State Prisons in the entire State of California for Lifer Parole Suitability Hearings, including Youth and Elderly hearings. She can be reached at 619-233-3688. She has dedicated the last 15 years of her practice to assist Lifers. She has been invited to different venue to speak including the Central California Appellate Program (CCAP), the Family of the Incarcerated, and several prisons. Her last prison presentation was with her whole staff at the women prison in Corona:  CIW.  

The Renegade Attorney is a Wild Card in the Post-Conviction legal arena and the Parole Suitability Administrative Hearings. Her client testimonials can be reviewed at Attorney Letarte's Testimonial Board. She comes up with creative arguments and does not always play by the "rule" but then neither does CDCR!  Every advantage counts and can make the difference between a Denial or a Grant of Parole.

Attorney Letarte's  Education (below) speaks for itself, including earning a 3rd Master's degree: Master of Science in Forensic Psychology (2011) to have an edge arguing incorrect conclusions from BPH's  Forensic Assessment Division (FAD) psychologists Risk Assessment evaluation, during the Parole Suitability Hearings.

  •  2011  M.S.     Forensic Psychology, Walden University, MN
  •  2003  LL.M.   Criminal, University of San Diego Law, CA
  •  1996  J.D.     Thomas Jefferson, School of Law, SD, CA and  Cambridge University,  England
  •  1991  M.B.A. University of Redlands, Redlands, CA
  •  1979  B.S.     Computer Science, Florida Atlantic Univ. FL 
     1976  A.A.       Associate of Arts, Palm Bch Jr. College, FL

The CSP-SAC Lifer Group (and Teacher)  invited Attorney Letarte to provide information and insight into the Parole Suitability Hearing, at the prison. She has accepted the invitation from CDCR (CSP-SAC) and will be flying to Sacramento the week of May 30, 2016 for the June 4th, 2016 free seminar.